
Poet / Author/ Playwright
Home Game Signature Editions, 2019
Never, Again Signature Editions, 2016
Murders in the Welcome Café (Revised) Poetry in Motion/Poesie en movement, 2016
Blood is Blood (with Carolyn Marie Souaid) Signature Editions, 2010
Quotidian Fever: New & Selected Poems (1974-2007) The Muses’ Co. Winnipeg, 2007
ProemCards from Chile Rubicon Press, Edmonton, 2007
In the Worshipful Company of Skinners The Muses’ Co. Winnipeg, 2003
Palabras Sobrevivientes (Tr. Spanish) Poetas.com, Montreal, 2002
Hirencia (virtual book Tr. Spanish ) Poetas.com, Montreal, 2001
Les mots Qui Survivent (Tr. French) Ecrits des Forges Trois Rivières, 1999
Surviving Wor(l)ds (a play) Schirraco, Winnipeg, 1999
Surviving Words The Muses’ Co. Montreal, 1994
Howl Two, Eh?? (with Ken Norris) NuAge Editions, Montreal, 1992
How To The Muses’ Co., Montreal, 1988
From Here to Here The Muses’ Co., Montreal, 1982
Face‑Off The Muses’ Co., Montreal, 1980
Romantic at Heart & Other Faults Cross Country Press, New York, 1979
Murders in the Welcome Café Vehicule Press, Montreal, 1977
Szerbusz Eldorado Editions, Montreal, 1974
Anthologies (Editor)
Language Matters Signature Editions 2013
Freedom Poetas.com, Montreal, 2005
Quebec Suite The Muses’ Co., Winnipeg,1998
Passeport Ecrites des Forges, Trois Rivières,1998
Quebec Suite The Muses’ Co. Winnipeg, 1996
The Other Language The Muses’ Co. Montreal, 1989
Canadian Poetry Now Anansi, Toronto, 1984
1984 The Muses’ Co. Montreal, 1984
CrossCut Vehicule Press, Montreal, 1982
Sounds Like - co-producer with Ken Norris (album of spoken work) Vehicule press, Montreal, 1980
Montreal English Poetry of the Seventies Vehicule Press, Montreal, 1977
As The Breath Is. 2020
Forget Me Not 2019
Murders in the Welcome Café. 2017
Language Cops. 2014
Hiroshima Haiku 2013
Blood is Blood 2012
You wait for me with Dust 2010
Haunted House 2009
Performed at The Segal Centre for Performing Arts
Voices 2002
Performed at Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival and
Le Monument National Readings across Canada, in United States,
Hungary, Slovenia, France, and Italy.
Why is This Night Different? 2001
Performed at the Saidye Bronfman Theatre
Radio Love (with Ruth Taylor) 2000
Radio play commissioned for CBC Radio Montreal
Surviving Wor(l)ds. 2000
Performed at the Centaur Theatre. Nominated for best new play by Montreal Critics and among top ten spoken word performances in Montreal.
Poetry Performances
Blood is Blood (with Carolyn Marie Souaid) 2012
CBC Commissioned piece for OutFront
Winner of 2012 Berlin Poetry Film Festival
O! O! O! CANADA 2007
Winner of the CBC Face-Off Poetry competition
Dear Diary 2005
Adaptation of diary entries of Turkish political prisoners
performed in Paris & Montreal
ProemCards from Chile 2004
Performed at Circus of Words/Cirque des mots
Homo Ludens/Playful Humans 2004
Winner of CBC poetry competition
Love in Quebec
Commissioned by CBC Radio
Cabaret Vehicule.
An evening of performance poetry at the Cinquième Salle
de Place des Arts, sponsored by the Musée d’art contemporain
de Quebec.
A Minute to Go
Performed in Montreal
I Love You/Je t'aime
Text for 3 voices presented in Montreal for “Le jour de poésie”
and performed in Montreal & Budapest
An Evening in the Muses' Company 1983
Movement for 3 actors. Toured Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Peterborough,
Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver
Murders In The Welcome Café 1983
Dramatization of text. Toured in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton
and Vancouver, Hungary.
It Runs in the Family 1982
Commissioned text and choreography for poet and two dancers.
Performed in Montreal
Sound Bodies 1981
Commissioned text and choreography for FULCRUM,
a Vancouver-based Contact Improvisation Group.
Performed in Montreal
Face‑Off /Mise Au jeu 1980
Commissioned piece for the dance group CATPOTO.
Performed in Montreal & Peterborough
Close Up 1979
Collaboration with composer Ted Dawson. Toured Edmonton,
Calgary, Vancouver, Victoria
Drummer Boy Raga 1976
Collaborative 7-voice text creation
Administrative Work
Co-producer, Circus of Words 2005-2010
Co-producer, Poésie en mouvement/Poetry in Motion 2004
Producer, Cabaret Vehicule
(Musee d’art contemporain de Montréal) 2004
Editor of Matrix Magazine (with Linda Leith and Kenneth Radu)
President: Association of English Language Publishers of Quebec
Founding Editor of Véhicule Press 1974
One of the Founders of Quebec Writers’ Federation
One of the founders of QSPELL
Coordinator of John Abbott College Reading Series 1976
Coordinator of Véhicule Reading Series 1974